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Plastic / polylactide

What is polylactide and is it toxic?

Polylactides, also known colloquially as polylactic acids (PLA for short), are synthetic polymers that belong to the group of polyesters.

It is non-toxic so there are no handling concerns and as a bonus it is even biodegradable :)

Which products contain Polylactides?

All articles have a note of the material type in the article description, but you can assume that almost all larger terrain elements and buildings are made of polylactide by us.

How can I clean Polylactide?

Simply with cold and lukewarm (not too hot!) Water and washing-up liquid.
 Isopropyl alcohol can also be used for cleaning the Item.

Can I cut/sand Polylactide and what do I have to be aware of?

You can saw polylactide and also grind it without any problems.
Make sure you do this outdoors and wear a dust mask, as the sanding dust can be harmful to your health.

Please note that polylactide is a thermoplastic, which means it deforms and becomes soft at higher temperatures.

We recommend deliberately not exposing products made out of Polylactide to more than 60 ° Celsius / 140° Fahrenheit in order to prevent unwanted deformation.

This is important, among other things, on hot days when the sun is shining very strongly, not to leave products made of Polyactide in the direct open air.

If something is unintentionally deformed, you can make the deformed part malleable again with boiling water (be careful when handling it, so that no burns occur!) And bend it back into shape.

Alternatively, the hair dryer can also help.

You can also intentionally deform and bend various parts with this technique.
Again, be careful handling hot water and Hairdryer to not burn yourself.

Which glue can I use for polylactide?

We recommend a Glue specifici for hard plastic. 
We use "Hartkunststoff Spezialkleber" from the German brand called "UHU" for all our Polylactide Items and for personal use.

But you can also use cyanoacrylate /superglue.

What primer and paint can I use for Polylactide Products?

Priming and painting can be done with any Acrylic or PU based paint.
Cleaning before priming is not necessary but recommended.

We strongly recommend a primer with a matt color for better adhesion and coverage of the paint.

Acrylic paints from Vallejo or AK Interactive we predominately personal use for painting up for nearly all of our range.

Photopolymer Resin

What is photopolymer resin?

A photopolymer is a polymer that changes its properties when irradiated with light from the UV-VIS region of the electromagnetic spectrum. These are structural changes, such as  the photochemical curing of the material through crosslinking/netting.

In short, it is a liquid resin that hardens through targeted UV lighting and thus takes the shape of a desired object.

Which Products contain photopolymer resin?

All Items in our Store have a note of the material type in the description, but you can assume that all of our miniatures and vehicles, unless otherwise stated, are made from photopolymer resin by us.

How can I clean photopolymer resin and do I have to?

Articles made of photopolymer resin have already been cleaned by us before shipping.
No further cleaning is necessary before priming or painting.

How can I process photopolymer resin and what do I have to consider?

Articles made of photopolymer resin can be carefully cut and sanded, but we advise wearing a dust mask, as the resulting dust can be harmful to your health.

If necessary, we recommend protective goggles to protect yourself from any parts that may break off when sawing / cutting photopolymer resin.

Which adhesive can I use for photopolymer resin?

We only recommend using cyanoacrylate or superglue.

What can I use to prime and paint photopolymer resin Products?

For priming, we recommend Polyutheran primer based on acrylic for Miniatures like the "Surface Primer" Range from Vallejo.

As is common with miniatures these days, we recommend acrylic paints for painting.

We ourselves use acrylic paints from Vallejo, Citadel, AK Interactive and Army Painter for our miniatures, which are shown in the shop.

If you have further questions about our materials and handling, you can contact us at any time using our Contact Form!